TR22 Healthcare Guide - Flipbook - Page 8
Support for hospital catering
In a hospital we know you have lots of mouths to feed and three
key audiences to cater for. Here are our top tips to help you get
the most out of foodservice in your core meal service areas.
Use different flavours to brighten up stews & soups
These dishes are easy to stretch with healthy veg when you’re working
to a tight budget, while they are also hearty, comforting and easier to
eat for those suffering with dysphagia. Offer variety by utilising seasonal
ingredients, different spices and experimenting with dishes inspired by
different cuisines; such as tagines, chowders and curries.
Get creative with finger-food-friendly options
For patients less able to use cutlery, such as those with dementia, food
needs to be easy to hold to encourage independence. Experiment
with different fillings and bases to prevent menu fatigue by switching
traditional sandwiches for layered pittas, pizzas for flatbreads, and
experiment with what you can put in a traditional burger bun or bagel.
Other meal options include chunky goujons, fritters and roast veg that
can be picked up and dipped in different sauces, for extra flavour and
variety, and you can’t go wrong with trusty pasties and sausage rolls.
When it comes to added nutrition, fortified soups
and sauces make for quick wins and it’s easy to
add in hidden fibre with pulses and rice
Consider the health benefits of plant-based meals.
Being higher in fibre and lower in saturated fats mean these meals can
be better for your patients, as well as becoming more popular and costefficient. Instead of focusing on meat substitutes in traditional dishes,
make vegan meals exciting in their own right. This will tempt patients
to try something new, without thinking about if the dish is vegan or not.
Click here to browse our plant-based brochure.